Momentum Business Consulting

Move forward with confidence

Introducing a people-focused business consultancy that can take you further, faster

There comes a point when every individual, and organisation, needs to take a step back. To re-evaluate what’s important. To objectively reassess past successes. To focus on what’s next, and work out how to get there. But none of that is easy or obvious. 

And that’s where Momentum Business Consulting comes in. 
Momentum empowers professionals to achieve their goals and fulfil their potential at every level of management, from mid-level right up to the C-suite.

We enable businesses to map out ambitious yet achievable people plans aligned to their strategy and culture. And we help to drive organisational change through people.

About Momentum
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Executive Coaching

Enabling individuals and teams to fulfil their potential 

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Executive Coaching Service

People Advisory Support

Offering guidance on the full spectrum of people-related business issues

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People Advisory Support

People Change
& Transformation Projects

Putting individuals at the heart of change management

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People Change and Transformation Projects

If you want to move forward with confidence, Momentum can get you, or your business, to where you need to be.

Views from the professionals

The best way to get a feel for how we could help you is to hear from some of the people who’ve already worked extensively with Momentum’s founder, Pauline Caldwell. These testimonials come from her past colleagues, clients, suppliers and managers.